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Africa Health Research Institute

Column Description Number of Data Points
Pt pt_id_pangea Anonymised unique identifier for the participant 3,817
Pt sex Biological sex 3,817
Pt dob_month Date of birth month 3,812
Pt dob_year Date of birth year 3,814
Pt age_enrol Age at enrolment 2,294
Pt geo_city City in which the sample was taken 522
Pt tribe Tribe 910
Pt religion_enrol Religion 220
Pt pregnant_ever Participant has been pregnant 1,254
Pt circumcised Participant reported circumcision 2,603
Pt tb_ever Participant has had TB 1,148
Pt ever_art Participant has been on ART 3,079
Pt last_seen_dt Date last seen 3,817
Pt deceased_dt Date of death 65
Pt last_neg_dt Date of last HIV negative result 658
Pt first_pos_dt Date of earliest HIV positive result 3,454
Pt art_clin_start_dt Earliest known date when ART was initiated (clinical) 2,821
Visit visit_dt Date of visit or event / sample date 3,817
Visit on_art Participant is on ART 3,109
Visit age_at_visit Age at visit 3,812
Visit is_positive HIV test result positive 3,806
Visit knows_status Participant knows own HIV status 1,192
Visit is_pregnant Participant is currently pregnant 1,932
ART art_dt Date of ART encounter 1,350
ART art_regimen ART regimen at visit 1,332
ART art_stop_dt Date ART regimen was stopped 507
ART art_stop_reason Reason ART regimen was stopped 13
ART art_notes Notes on ART regimen 457
CD4 cd4_dt Date of CD4 measurement 3,697
CD4 cd4_count CD4 count value 3,697
CD4 cd4_range CD4 count as range 3,697
CD4 cd4_percentage CD4 percentage 458
VL vl_dt Date of viral load assay 3,621
VL vl_result Viral load value (copies per ml) 3,620
VL vl_range Viral load as range (copies per ml) 3,621